“Once you are aware, you start seeking and searching for a second birth.
And the second birth becomes possible only through meditation.
The first birth is through the mother, the second birth is through meditation:
hence in ancient scriptures, meditation is called the real mother.
Jesus says to his disciples, “Unless you are born again you will not enter the Kingdom of God.”
In the East, the person who has attained to God is called dwija, twice born.
The second birth releases the fragrance.”
And the second birth becomes possible only through meditation.
The first birth is through the mother, the second birth is through meditation:
hence in ancient scriptures, meditation is called the real mother.
Jesus says to his disciples, “Unless you are born again you will not enter the Kingdom of God.”
In the East, the person who has attained to God is called dwija, twice born.
The second birth releases the fragrance.”
Osho. Last in the Evening: 365 Relaxing Moments to Enter the Night Consciously p.12
Osho Media International.
Osho Media International.
Unfortunately, in fundamentalist Christianity, they have used the word "born again" to mean "accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior" when, historically, it doesn't mean that at all. The corruption of the teachings of Jesus has led many astray.