Do you believe in magic?
Indeed you do. We all do. We say to ourselves, "If only I obtained this, had that, or that happened then I would be happy."
We attribute our happiness to external events and circumstances.
When these desired objects and events fail us, we become angry or sad or both.
Sometimes we feel guilty that we wanted to control things and failed.
As the bumper sticker says, "Shit happens," and my favorite, "Mega shit happens."
We find ourselves in a hell of our own creation. We thought we could control things, achieve things, obtain things, make people behave toward us as we desired, expected, demanded. Naaaaaaaah, it doesn't work. How long does it take to realize this?
The locker room slogan says, "Winners never quit and quitters never win." Really?
There is a time to quit. There is a time to find a better way. There is help available.
Turn within and ask the Holy Spirit, Jesus, God, Mother Nature, the Muse, the Universe, Life, to help you. As they say in Alcoholics Anonymous in their twelve step program, "Surrender to you Higher Power, whatever you conceive your Higher Power to be."
As the jokester said, "If God is your co-pilot, you're in the wrong seat."
The idea of the Perennial Philosophy of Aldous Huxley leads one to the idea that God is too big for any one religion. How is it that sometimes people outgrow their religion of childhood? James Fowler, among others, has mapped out a model of spiritual development. Osho says that a person cannot enter into a spiritual life until he/she rebels against childish religious beliefs. Notes On A Spiritual Life intends to explore deeper understandings of an authentic spiritual life.
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